Friday, January 27, 2006

Strength of the Nation

I got an oppurtunity to witness the RD parade 2006, closely from a VIP gallery. It was an exciting experience, though i ve been a participant of RD parade 1997 in Sainik School contigent.
There is a huge difference in being a participant and watching the entire show..

Very grand indeed.

I believe all of you must of seen the parade in TV, atleast once. It is a great show of strength of our nation. To show the world what we are capable of. You will feel a sudden flow of patriotism in ur veins. Mera Bharath Mahaan,, Salute to my motherland. A sense of pride in being INDIAN.

To be positive, we have all the resources and capacity to be a developed nation,,, Introspecting, why are we not and why are we struggling to reach that state? What is wrong?

The Attitude is the problem. We have been speaking a lot. We speak great about ourself,, talk a lot about our glorious past,, the wealth,, lots,, at the same time,, extremely negative. Poverty, dirty road, corruption,, We are always in extremes and we donot bother about what is to be done. we are not interested, from the bottom of our heart, to change this situation. we want somebody or the govt to do it. WE ARE NOT INTERESTED/BOTHERED TO CHANGE.

I wish we make an effort to come forward and put up our hands and say "I will do my share to create a better tomorrow".

I wish we have a large number of Indian scientists and researchers abroad to return to homeland, atleast after retirement and feed the future generation with knowledge and lay the foundation for a better tomorrow. I wish more number of willing IITians and technocrats from leading institutions do offer their services for the development of the nation.

I wish my friends who read this do contribute their share which rightfully our nation deserves.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey,good to know u've been posted closer to home. Do tell me if u come to madurai.