Monday, August 07, 2006

Kazhak memoirs - Part 1

The 72-hour showers in hyderabad brought with it a gust of old sweet memoirs. Dont know why, the sweet smell of rain on soil always kindles hidden feelings from deep within. This time my kazhak days kept lingering in my mind,, I did spend a few important years of my life at Sainik School, Kazhakootam (Trivandrum) starting my class VI and I can say without any hesitation that was the best part of my life. The best part of one's life neednt necessarily have been happy and enjoyable. But when i think of those days today, it is far more cherishable than how i had felt being there.

Let me begin my journey into the deepest and sacred chambers of my heart to pull out hidden pains and pleasures.

On the day of admission, i had been escorted by my parents, little bro, 2 paternal uncles and another uncle (a family friend much closer to me, than the real ones). Our jeep had broke down the previous night and we had to take an auto (or taxi) to the school, carrying some heavy luggage for my days ahead. My father used to make fun saying it was more than what a girl takes along during her marriage. Along with the admission letter, they had sent a long list of things that i was supposed to bring along.
Let me try to recollect some: A blank iron trunk, 6 white shirts (3 full & 3 half sleeved), 4 blue shorts, 4 white shorts, 2 steel grey pants, 2 white pants, 6 sets of inner garments, 6 pairs of socks, 2 black leather shoes, 2 white canvas shoes, shoe polish, blancho, brasso (metal shiner), a hockey stick, mirror,,.... i cant recollect more than this. i am sure there was lots more in the list.

On the first day, we were told to meet the headmaster. I still remember the first meeting with him. Maj. S. Ashokkumar, a moderately fat Army officer with a broad smile. He said to me "All the best, young man!", in a stern military tone. I liked it. I was then told to report ot my dormitory, "The VKK house", named after the first defense minister & founder of the school Mr.VK.Krishna menon. The person who holds the record for delivering longest ever speech in UN history. VKK house was one among the 3 sub-junior houses (for VI and VII std boys) during those days. The other two being Vallathol and Veluthambi.

We were welcomed by the matron Mrs. Geetha Potti (Widow of Late. Cdr. Madhavan Potti, who had sacrificed his life during a naval combat. I owe a lot for the motherly affection she had shown towards us). She showed me a cot in one of the wings of the dorm. It was the fourth bed from the door. My neighbour (3rd bed) Sherry.P.Jacob had come just befor me. Both of us had to share a cupboard for the rest of the year.

Since it was the first day, parent were allowed to have lunch in the students mess. The food was OK. Mom found it difficult to digest the fact that i wud hav to eat this, the days ahead. Back in the dorm, my dad was enquiring about various things: water, money, communication means,... We were told that water wud come 1 hour in the mornin and in the evening. My dad sent my uncle to get some postcards and envelopes for me to write. Mom arrangd the things in my cupboard. A pair of black shoes, canvas shoes and the hockey stick were placed under the bed. All my belongings were to be marked my roll number, with fabric paint. (i had a crimson red bottle)

I started chatting with my new founds mate, paying little attention to the tears rolling from my mom's eyes. Excitement had for a moment made me wave to my mom cheerfully. (i was told later that my mom cried the next 2 days and stayed awake throughout the week.)

Around six in the evening when i had been introduced to quite a few more friends, solitude started creeping in. Missed home and mom for the first time in my life. Worse it became, when i came to know that was the only tamil fellow in the entire batch of 120 keralite mates. (I cudnt
communicate with 70% of them since most where from Malayalam medium school) Cried a little; had to hide most of my feelings not wanting to be kiddish in front of the new pals. But thoughts of mom, fear on the days ahead, excitement all put togather made me tired and i
feel on the new curl-on bed and fell asleep. I dont remember who woke mne up for dinner. My first dinner at the mess didnt make me complain. Came back and spent some time with another friend Jeenu mathew john. Fell asleep as symptoms of home-sickness began to creep in.

-------------------------------- memoirs to continue.......


Anonymous said...

sontha kadha soga kadha ellaam eluthanumna some thing for ur autobiography.. dont waste internet space with all ur 'feelings of india'..

Uttara Ananthakrishnan said...

now...thats news..never knew u were from sainik school...i guess thats where u got ur patriotic feelings...and i guess i felt exactly the same...home sick at six pm...but i had continue the memoir...very picturesque

Suchi said...

I wonder if you have read 'Boy' by Roald Dahl? It speaks about the childhood of the writer, and all this about marking clothes, hockey sticks and the rest make me think of that book...

Jeevish Glastine said...

no I have'nt,,, if u hav a pdf verson, do send me,,