Thursday, July 13, 2006

The Race Begun!

The blue warrier waiting
To take charge from the saffron saint
I begin, with thousand others;
For today's race of 'transition' marathon
Across the black ocean;
Me, among the flock of swifties
Flying to a new world
Of unknown pleasures;
The race for the fittest,... to survive!
The race for the treasures,... to hunt!
The race for the pains,... to bear!

The flight, so far, has exhausted
The strength of my wings! My comrades...
Some ahead,... Some behind! A few
New entrants,... A few out of race!
I' ve also had my stands & falls;
I know not the path,
I know not, where to stop!
Winning is but the motive;
Yet, time has no answer
Miles ahead for me to fly,..
But victory is at my sight!

-------------------- Jeevish (17/9/2003)


aditya said...

have tagged u.. go to my blog and see

Suchi said...

Nice post...'The race...for the pains to bear' wow! BTW, I have linked you on my blog...hope it's OK...

Suchi said...

Nice post-"The race for the pains to bear" WOW!
BTW I am linking you on my blog...hope it's OK...

Anonymous said...

Good one there!