Monday, July 31, 2006

A Poem from "The Mount"

The sun has set, the moon has risen,
Taking its turn to guard the empire;
And me, a sole spectator!
Having a glance from a distance;
Le cite' - Madrapolis, I see, just beneath
As gold dust spread on black satin;
Atop, the air silent!
Not willing to disturb "the Sleeping Saint".
My soul settled, I stand as newborn;
Bells ringing! My heart afloat! Bliss...
Oh, Me...! Lost in thin air
To stand in Temple-cite', today;
Gazing at he gorgeous towers!
But still!! I hear the Mount bells
Toll again;
Still, Can't guess the difference!

------------------- Jeevish (07-07-2003)

During one of my chennai, I had been to St. Thomas mount in the evening. Penned this when got back home.


Uttara Ananthakrishnan said...

nice one poet

Anonymous said...


It seems like I am reading my life written by someone else ( kinda biography,u can dare say) ...
Great buddy ...keep going

Rajeev Nair R.No.2583

Jeevish Glastine said...

thanks for the complitments, sir!