Friday, May 05, 2006

The battle of Life

There is a famous quote of JFK : "It is an unfortunate fact that we can secure peace only by preparing for war". There is great amount of truth in this statement. This is a completely time-independent statement. All concepts in this world from the stone age to the modern day diplomatic philosophies revolve around this. The entire history of mankind tells us countless tales on this fact,,, no doubt, the future also will. This is not only applicable to mankind,, the truth is common to all existing in this world. The Darwin's basic theory of evolution of life deals on this principle - "Struggle for existence & Survival of the fittest". The moment life is born on this universe, there is an inevitable struggle to survive.

Everything that a creature in this world does is to keep itself safe & secure. Everything we do in our day to day life is all war preparations. Right from our personal hygiene activities, which are defensive strategies against a war that germs wage on us, to the profession we cherish; again a defensive strategy to prepare for a war against deficiency of essential resources.

All adaptations that life takes by evolution or by intellect are for securing the hold of its pocessions. The theories of evolution and sixth sense philosophies of man converge to this divine mortal combat.

All this is nothing but preparations for war - the war against sufferings. The stronger you are, you will have the upper hand in this war. The Victor can never cherish the victory during his lifetime,, Any claim of tasting success in this regard are purely temporary. After a span of war, the moment one thinks of securing the victory, means he is still in the battlefield facing another enemy. This time an unknown unenemy. The complete meaning of life lies in how much of valour and courage u have shown in the battlefield. The strength, convictions & values matter. The mark that one leaves in the pages of history speaks of his life, ages after his time. So prepare to fight it the right way.

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