Monday, July 31, 2006

A Poem from "The Mount"

The sun has set, the moon has risen,
Taking its turn to guard the empire;
And me, a sole spectator!
Having a glance from a distance;
Le cite' - Madrapolis, I see, just beneath
As gold dust spread on black satin;
Atop, the air silent!
Not willing to disturb "the Sleeping Saint".
My soul settled, I stand as newborn;
Bells ringing! My heart afloat! Bliss...
Oh, Me...! Lost in thin air
To stand in Temple-cite', today;
Gazing at he gorgeous towers!
But still!! I hear the Mount bells
Toll again;
Still, Can't guess the difference!

------------------- Jeevish (07-07-2003)

During one of my chennai, I had been to St. Thomas mount in the evening. Penned this when got back home.

Monday, July 17, 2006

The Grandfather Paradox

A friend of mine had asked me to elaborate on 'the Grandfather paradox',, Here it goes...

It points out that if you were able to travel into the past you could (if you were so inclined) kill your grandfather when he was very young and thus render your own birth impossible. A simpler version is that you could kill a younger version of yourself so that you would not be alive in the future to travel back in time. The Grandfather paradox shows how one form of time travel could violate causality by eliminating the cause of a phenomenon that has already taken place in the present.

Another form of this paradox is the "predestination paradox". You travel back in time and fall in love with a woman, who in your own timeline would be your grandmother, and in essence will become your own grandfather.

This might be based on the quantum physics theory of "quantum realities" which states that for any event there is an infinite number of outcomes, so choices made by someone will determine the outcome of such event. But for every reality there will be a different outcome. So if you kill your grandfather in one timeline, this will automatically create a seperate timeline in which you would remain. Any actions you do from there on would have no effect on the timeline you came from.

There's enormous amount of material and discusion on Time travel and related stuff on the net,, Check it out!!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

The Race Begun!

The blue warrier waiting
To take charge from the saffron saint
I begin, with thousand others;
For today's race of 'transition' marathon
Across the black ocean;
Me, among the flock of swifties
Flying to a new world
Of unknown pleasures;
The race for the fittest,... to survive!
The race for the treasures,... to hunt!
The race for the pains,... to bear!

The flight, so far, has exhausted
The strength of my wings! My comrades...
Some ahead,... Some behind! A few
New entrants,... A few out of race!
I' ve also had my stands & falls;
I know not the path,
I know not, where to stop!
Winning is but the motive;
Yet, time has no answer
Miles ahead for me to fly,..
But victory is at my sight!

-------------------- Jeevish (17/9/2003)